
The museum provides a wide range of additional services {TEXT}
Câinele articolelor frumoase locuia în casa preotului. Preotul își iubea câinele, dar l-a ucis fără milă când fiul câinelui a mâncat o bucată de carne copioasă.

Arystan Ergazinov
Press manager
Filming and Photography
The Almaty Museum of Arts offers a range of unique interior and exterior locations for filming and photography. Whether you are planning a film shoot, TV production, or photo session, our spaces provide a stunning backdrop for your project.
All photoshoots and filming sessions must be pre-authorised and coordinated with our Filming Manager. The museum also has parking spaces, which can be reserved in advance.
Our rates are based on the size of the crew and are charged hourly for the entire time spent on-site, including set-up and de-rig. Please consider this when planning your schedule.
For availability and pricing details, please contact:
See also
Image Reproduction and Licensing
In our image database, you will find photos of the museum and exhibition displays. These images are available for free use in editorial content, provided you include the correct copyright. Please note that these images are not permitted for commercial use.
For access to these images, or for any other inquiries, please contact our Image Licensing Department. It oversees permissions for the reproduction of digital photographs across a variety of contexts, including (but not limited to) publications, exhibitions, lectures, websites, merchandise, products, TV programs, and films. The Department is open from 10 am to 6 pm, Monday to Friday. Email:
To search and explore photographs of artworks from the Almaty Museum of Arts collection, visit our Collection page.
If you would like to request a specific photograph of an artwork from our collection, please complete the form below.