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Opening Programme: Almaty Museum of Arts


Almaty Museum of Arts will open with a programme that is imagined as a festival, featuring live events and communal gatherings. Inspired by the museum’s unique position on Al-Farabi Street – a tribute to the philosopher and author of the Great Book of Music, Abu Nasr Al-Farabi –  and the vibrant legacy of aqyns, the traditional storytellers of Central Asia, the program is conceived as an orchestration, each event a distinct tone layered into a rhythmic cadence across the museum.
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Sound and movement performances, cinematic sequences, and experiments with spoken word form a multisensory tapestry, inviting visitors to shift perception, experience alternate temporalities and listen beyond the threshold of the familiar. Envisioned as a gesture of hospitality for Almaty, this transcultural programme activates the museum’s spaces creating encounters that forge resonant and affective bonds with the audience.

Together, these experiences weave the museum into Almaty’s cultural fabric—not only as an institution, but as a vital presence, a new pulse within the city’s evolving imaginary.

The opening programme is curated by Anne Davidian.

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